Three people together, they are now physically carrying the bodies easily, and soon all kinds of spiritual beast bodies are carried to the roof and piled up.
"If so many bodies are thrown into the water at one time, I don’t know what kind of monsters will be attracted." Ding Longyun looked at the top of the building and piled up a large number of bodies, some curious guesses.
Su Li said, "Why don’t we try?"
Ding Longyun got a fright. "Are you crazy? Dare to really think so "
Su Liyuan was just joking. Seeing Ding Longyun so excited, he couldn’t help laughing. "Then don’t try. Let’s rebuild the raft."
On the thirtieth floor, Su Li noticed that the water level had risen a lot, and their feet had stepped on the water, and the water level had flooded their feet.
"It seems that the water level is rising faster than I thought." Su Li frowned slightly and raised a little worry.
"It won’t be long before the thirty floors are flooded." Ding Longyun shook his head and sighed.
Su Li looked at the raft parked outside the balcony. The raft was pieced together by five wooden doors, and the surface was tied together by ropes. It looked fairly strong.
"Su Li, how do you want to transform?" Ding Longyun leaned against the balcony and looked at Su Li.
Su Li said, "This raft is too small. My ideal is to build a big boat. I remember seeing a movie before. There is an artificially created floating island where wood and mud are slowly piled up."
Ding Longyun way "artificial island? Your ambition is not small. "
Su Li said, "Now there is water everywhere. It is not impossible to make this raft big enough. Of course, that is the future idea. Now it is still far from that step."
"Speaking of wooden doors, there are more than 20 people here. So let’s move all these wooden doors first?"
Su Li nodded well, and then the three of them acted together. Although Xu Xuehui is small, she is already a level 2 spiritual source. She can exert five or six hundred pounds of strength and easily pick up several wooden doors at the same time.
These doors have long been played by Ding Longyun. Now Ding Longyun will take Xu Xuehui to tear down the wooden doors and cabinets in these rooms and then carry them in the direction of the balcony.
Su Li found nails, wires and ropes piled up to one side. First, five wooden doors were put together, and then the wire ropes such as door panels were tightly wound around the five wooden doors to create a strong raft.
After Su Li carefully lifted the raft along the balcony, the first raft was put into the water together, and then the two rafts were tightly combined with nails and boards.
The area of the two rafts together immediately doubled and finally took shape.
"The surface of this raft will be wet after drinking water. I want to reinforce it and turn it into a double-layer raft, so that our shoes and socks won’t get wet in front of us." Su Li looked at the raft and made his own thoughts.
Ding Longyun said, "This is too much trouble, and it will increase the weight. You don’t really want to turn this into a mobile island in the future, do you? It’s just a simple water transport. Maybe if you’re lucky enough to get a real boat, the horse can be discarded. "
"So those fishermen who live on boats or work in shipyards are lucky, and they are not afraid of the big flood." Ding Longyun sighed and cried.
"Yes, if there is a big boat at this time, the situation will be completely different." Su Libai’s attempt to cross the three-kilometer water surface to the Zifeng Building with this simple little raft will definitely be risky. If there is a big boat, it will be much safer.
"But relatively speaking, the bigger it is, the safer it is." Su Li decided to continue to increase the raft. Now the raft is still small.
"People" suddenly Xu Xuehui pointed away from the balcony.
"people?" Su Li and Ding Long Yun Zheng both looked towards the water she was referring to.
Looking into the distance, there is a faint mist rising from the water surface, and the visibility is not high. They can vaguely see some vague shadows. Those are buildings that are exposed to the water, but where have you seen people?
"You see people? What kind of person is it? " Su Li thought of Xu Xuehui’s strengthened eyes. Her eyesight was better than that of herself and Ding Longyun. Before she could see the senior corpse beast with a third hand, she suddenly said that people must have a reason.
"Three people" Xu Xuehui drew a "live"
When she said this, Su Li and Ding Long Yun suddenly got a little excited.
"You mean there are three people? In the water or by boat? What is the specific situation? " Ding Longyun cried anxiously.
Xu Xuehui is not in a hurry, but still gently said, "They are coming here on the raft."
"What kind of person is it? Can you see it clearly? " Su Li took a deep breath to calm himself down.
This time, Xu Xuehui wanted to think, but she didn’t know what an "adult man" looked like, so she didn’t know what to look like.
Chapter 53 Three new people
"Mom, three people come here on a raft? Are three people as lucky as us? This is good news. With three more people, we won’t be afraid of those monsters. "Ding Longyun was full of excitement.
Soon he seemed to think of something and rushed to the building. When he appeared again, he took some clothes in his hand, and then the lighter lit up and smoke rose.
He hopes that the thick smoke will attract the attention of the visitors and tell them that they are lucky here.
Su Li can finally vaguely see a little fuzzy shadow on the distant water surface at the moment, but he still can’t see clearly, that is, three people are riding a raft. It seems that Xu Xuehui’s eyesight is much better than theirs now.
This makes him want to strengthen his eyes once, but unfortunately, what parts can be strengthened with each promotion? There are several choices that are not the parts that can be strengthened at will
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