The fat monk laughed, "Good boy."
"Fourteen years ago, that monk was a pure body of Fentuo Lihua, and his bones and blood have been melted. Most demons in the body of general quicksand can do everything they can to make it quiet for ten years before the revival of quicksand practice can reach its peak."
"If you want to save him today, you don’t have to give up your life and need a bowl of blood."
"Bleeding into this bone bowl and sending it to General Liu Sha when it is full will make his sin digest and hatred relieved."
The fat monk held the bones in his hand and advised his brother to chant, "Removing quicksand can make you realize purity."
"Are you willing to save him?"
Jiang Liuer stopped crying, folded his hands, and made a childish voice than solemnly said, "I am willing."
As he spoke, he held out his hand.
Yue Tianen suddenly asked, "Does removing hatred and sin mean washing away his memory?"
"Wash away the betrayal 30 years ago and the evil spirits who have borne hatred over the years?"
The fat monk denied that "naturally this is not the case. This 30-year career has also been a part of the quicksand general. If we cut this past, he will not be him. Let’s talk about salvation."
"Lay people don’t have to suspect that Fentuo Lihua’s Buddha’s blood is wonderful, and the merits and demerits are by no means like demon magic, but make relief not forget but let go."
Yue Tianen gasped in amazement and repeatedly praised, "It’s a wonderful Buddha’s blood, but in this case, I have a reluctant invitation here."
Jiang Liuer solemnly looked back at YueTianEn.
But this little doll in Yue Tianen’s eyes is ignorant.
He stopped laughing and folded his hands and bowed down.
"The fish beam used to stop at general quicksand."
"Can you ask the monk to be merciful and save them?"
Jiang Liuer leng leng.
There are still people in the island’s residential areas who keep their eyes on the window gap to spy out the situation outside.
Their eyes are full of fear, hatred and numbness.
How can such eyes not be painful?
Yue Tianen stands on the edge of the island. Behind him, fish beams, osawa waves and Jiao Ren figures gradually float.
Thirty years of weeping and lamenting, their pain is like being trapped in mussels, and the gravel may have been ground into precipitated pearls and jade.
But that just means longer … not free.
Chapter 47 If you say that I am willing to kill me, smile.
General Liu Sha certainly wanted to save him. Perhaps he was the most meritorious person in the place, but he also killed the most people.
Since even he wants to save, there is no reason for these people on these islands in Jiao Ren not to save.
However, tens of thousands of Jiao Ren tribes in this group of islanders can number 2,000 even if they don’t count those who dive into the water and just look at the floating surface.
Jiang Liuer is only thirteen or fourteen years old this year. He is tall enough to Yue Tianen and his waist is quite thin.
Even if all his blood is drained, how many drops of blood can he have?
Even after taking a certain amount of blood every day, wait until Jiang Liuer recovers before continuing to bleed. How long will it take? Will those who put hatred first stay with those who have not been able to resolve it breed new hatred?
The river didn’t think so much. He wanted to save general quicksand and these people, so Yue Tianen asked and he nodded seriously.
"I’ll try my best."
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