Zhang Yinghao spoke for a while.
Gu Qingshan also explained that "deification is the strongest in the world of spiritual practice, but there are also divine photos, thousands of robberies, emptiness and mysterious four realms in another world."
"The attempt to refine the world took away the realm of a thousand robberies, but later he arrived in the realm of the void."
This time everyone was speechless.
Gu Qingshan looks at the interface of ares.
There are three minutes left
He has been thinking about how to explain his departure.
At this time he finally came up with a reasonable statement.
"The two worlds are merging, and it is likely that there will be a stronger spy on our world. Because of the world’s protective barriers, they are not allowed to come in, but they can find that I have the ability to shuttle between the two worlds."
"What will happen? They will come for you? " Anna asked quickly.
"Rest assured" Gu Qingshan gave her a comforting look. "If I want the world to merge, I will go to another world to avoid being found."
Chapter four hundred and twenty-seven Leave
"So you’re leaving now?" Anna asked reluctantly.
She caught the Gu Qingshan hand clenched.
Gu Qingshan said, "I will leave in about two minutes, but I will come back without it."
Looking at Anna’s eyes, Gu Qingshan added, "Don’t worry, I won’t have anything."
Anna felt uneasy in her heart.
Gu Qingshan will go to a stronger world, and his strength there is nothing.
Is this reassuring?
Anna cut her finger blood and ordered one between her eyebrows.
"Please lend me some strength, Lord Dog God."
She toward the black dog way
Black dog looked at her.
"Please," Anna said.
A dark flame came out of the black dog, and Ran Ran rose and flew in front of Anna.
Anna will shake hands with Black Fire and pinch her heart.
The black fire disappeared, but Anna came out with wisps of thin black lines and wandered endlessly.
Anna held out her hand and put the same blood on Gu Qingshan’s eyebrows.
"What is this?" Gu Qingshan curious way
"Don’t move for a while. I’m calling for eternal death with the help of the gods, hoping to get some news from you." Anna looked particularly serious
Gu Qingshan couldn’t move
Then Anna quietly looked at Gu Qingshan.
Her eyes gradually left Gu Qingshan, but she stared at Gu Qingshan around and behind him as if there was something there.
Suddenly there was a deep whisper from Anna’s head.
"Lost mortal, you have a whole world ahead of you, and death is about to end that world."
"And you fight back before you die like this."
Sound finish, it seems, also said something.
But no one could hear that sentence clearly
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