Click click ~
A burst of bone fracture sounded red-violet slowly fell to the ground.
When I fly again, there will be a pile of ashes left on my face.
Himiko, Yu Mingfang, and Daxue Mouchi, the three supreme commanders of the evil spirits corps in the yellow country, came to reinforce the evil spirits corps when they saw the change of the yellow river.
At this time, I saw izanami being killed by a sword light and Jiaju soil being crushed into ashes by a lotus flower.
The three ghosts and gods changed their faces and turned to try to escape.
Hey ~
Another whisper and a white light turned around three people.
Poop, poop, poop ~
Three people fell in situ bust but still ran a few steps forward.
Before landing, it was wiped out by Zhu Xian’s firm but gentle spirit.
Wonderful net will be a reminder of the industry fire red-violet, and the industry fire will fall on the evil spirit legion.
Hoo hoo ~
Blood red flame like dry wood blink of an eye will spread the whole evil spirit legion.
The evil spirits of these evil spirits corps are all caused by the ghosts after the death of those who know that they are evil but never tire of it.
They know that what they are doing is evil and evil, and their crimes have already penetrated into the bone marrow.
Encountered this special burning crime, the fire was burned out in a moment.
With Miao Hua’s help, all the stronger ghosts and gods were killed by his sword
Miao Jing recites the scripture of complete merit in the mouth of Zhang Qinghua ghost world.
Anyone who has a good heart can get compassion and redemption as soon as he has a good heart. A lotus flower will fly into the ghost world of Qinghua.
Those who remain vicious are burned to death by his karma.
Fa Ren and Fa Xin have not been idle.
It is a good time to indulge in killing when you have a good eye and a good eye.
For Jing Yesi, they always hang their lives on their belts.
There are not many opportunities to upgrade your combat experience like this.
Plus, there are ten Yin Shuai and tens of thousands of Yin soldiers to protect them, and the slaying speed is also very fast.
The law endures thousands of shuras, and magic eye has accumulated poor and evil thoughts. There is an inch of divine light in his eyes.
When he completed the Thousand-Eye Shura View of Evil Classics, he was covered with thousands of shuras, and magic eye bloomed with magic light.
Anyone who is illuminated by magic immediately has evil thoughts in his heart and then is restrained.
Fa Xin cultivates the Buddha’s heart, but that is to suppress the evil thoughts in his heart.
He won the magic weapon or the big glass magic knife.
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