Frontal-winding silk controls the target once depending on the environmental energy.
Rushing out of the door, Xu Le can burn the Pailing directly.
The succubus was instantly pulled by Xu Le’s spider silk and abruptly pulled out of the void.
Slam the floor.
Just now, the gun explosion and the succubus escaping from pursuit have made many clients and ladies watch Xu Le.
Xu Le although some regret didn’t get the succubus transformation energy answer.
But this time he also knew that the battle could not be dragged on.
Go up to the succubus and put a pike on her head.
The moment when the black gun killed the succubus, the strong feeling filled with Xu Leshen’s feeling … was the desire and mind.
It’s too strong to release your heart
In the spiritual world, the soul tree has quickly concluded a new heart fruit-lust.
This strong sensory feedback made Xu Le’s expression slightly unnatural.
But this scene seems terrible to others.
What do passers-by see? Xu Le showed a hole in his eyes after killing himself, and then an evil smile with a happy expression.
Finally, strange gasps and groans.
Don’t talk about the body that was thrown to the ground. What bleeding is black?
As far as Xu Le’s performance at this time is concerned, he looks like a guilty pleasure. Isn’t that a perverted murderer?
Is there any washing here?
So screaming rang in the night show.
Because of the former Xu Ting’s application for support, the law enforcers will arrive soon.
Although Xu Le repeatedly stressed that he was on business and got rid of a strange thing, he was still handcuffed by Xu Ting and Li Qing Orange and brought to the law enforcement team car.
To the car Li Qing orange to Xu Le handcuffs.
"Do you have to do this? I killed a succubus. Shouldn’t you give me a good citizen award? " Xu Le is somewhat dissatisfied.
But this time even Xu Ting came out to explain.
"Xu Lege you don’t know where there are too many mercenaries wandering day Rui Lifeng.
Although that’s weird, we don’t usually get involved in things there and don’t want to conflict with these mercenaries
After all, Zion’s lack of pioneers can’t stimulate these people too much. "
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