Holding his chin, he put these six pieces of yellow soap in a pyramid shape of 123 and whispered, "This guy is actually level 3. Should I respect him later?"
Chapter 253 Polluter Xu Le
After the battle, Xu Le directly asked Alley and Xia Libo to set up a bonfire. Today is a real holiday.
Everyone can have a rest except for normal garrison.
In fact, the real core defense of the whole furnace is that Yamaraja wants it, not to mention all the problems. Most of the problems are not problems
"I’ll pay the bill in Xu Le tonight. Let’s have fun."
As soon as Xu Le said such a thing, the guards and researchers cheered. After nearly two months of high-pressure R&D and construction, people were exhausted even if they had the replacement ability of warlock Luo to help them stay in the factory
No one has a holiday, and these researchers don’t want to have a holiday.
In their cognition, they are not classes, they are creating the future and Zion is fighting for an opportunity, which is what researchers love most.
Do what you like most and love most, and naturally there will be no holiday requirements.
But tired is really tired.
Now Xu Le can have a rest, which means that the furnace construction stage has stabilized and can be used normally.
The pressure on them researchers is suddenly reduced, which is what makes them cheer.
What are those guards cheering for? Ha, what does a vulgar Beowulf know? Some of them are not even Beowulf.
Cheer along simply because the holiday is cool.
But Xia Libo didn’t like it until the assistant asked.
"Xia doctor how don’t look too heart? Is it not good for Mr. Xu Le to pay the bill? "
"What the hell does he buy? Believe it or not, he will write an expense account later and apply for extra reimbursement for drinks and meat damaged by the enemy in the battle, and then multiply it by 15 times."
"Well …"
The assistant dare not get involved in such a topic.
Xu Le, that’s the factory director.
Maybe the former factory director is a jerk, but the factory director will be the factory director after the successful construction of the furnace.
The only person who can control the melting furnace, Xu Leguang Soap Factory, has already had Gaoli in this acre of land.
"Dr. Xia, I’m going to eat!"
"…" Xia Libo language finally gave a hand.
"Go on, go on."
After the assistant left, Xia Libo slowly raised his head and opened his eyes. He looked up and looked at the moon in the sky just now because Xu Le and Zhou Di moved the red crescent, which has returned to white.
There is no eyeball, and it seems that there is light in the eye socket gradually, and I don’t know what to see.
"He turned into a full moon angel, hehehehehehe."
Xia Libo covered her mouth as if she had thought of something particularly funny.
He doesn’t know much about Xu Le, but at least he knows more than most. This guy Xu Le and Red Crescent can’t say no, can they?
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