Because he firmly believes that this is the right way.
After Lazio scored two goals, the pace of the game slowed down slightly, and the total score was 51 points ahead of Barcelona. Lazio naturally had no reason to continue to storm them, and their players were not tireless robots. They were just as exhausted as human beings.
Properly slowing down and adjusting the pace will help the team recover quickly.
Lazio’s pace is slow. When you come to Barcelona, the horse feels that the pressure has disappeared.
They tried to attack.
Although it is very slim to advance to the final at present, we can’t let our opponents shave our heads at our home, can we?
Boots Cox also took an active part in the attack and even killed him in the restricted area.
In the 60 th minute, Boots Cox and teammate Pedro made a one-on-one match, and he took the ball into the penalty area.
Lazio didn’t expect Boots to rush into the penalty area.
The defense is a little slow.
As a result, when chiellini stretched out his leg to tackle the ball, he hooked Boots Cox
Boots Cox threw himself forward in the restricted area.
"This is a penalty! !” Catalan commentator shouted
Barcelona fans in the stands are also shouting "penalty-! !”
Barcelona players raised their arms.
Guardiola, who was sitting in the coach’s seat, also got up from his seat with his hands raised.
Almost everyone thought it was a penalty.
Frank de Bleeckere, the referee on duty, really blew the whistle.
Sitting on the foundation, Yelini raised his hands because he was a koo-of course he kicked Boots, but he was always a little lucky. The referee didn’t see anything at a bad angle …
The referee Frank de Bleeckere came running.
At the same time, he took out a yellow card from his chest pocket …
"ah! It looks like a penalty! And chiellini will get a yellow card! If so, chiellini will also miss the Champions League final! This is really … too bad! "
Chiellini was suspended just one yellow card short before, which made him very nervous.
His eyes looked at the referee Frank de Bleeckere with some horror.
Then he felt something was wrong …
If it is a penalty …
Isn’t it customary for the referee to point to the penalty spot?
But Frank de Bleeckere didn’t do it!
He came running but didn’t point to the penalty spot!
Don’t …
An incredible idea came to chiellini’s mind.
Changsheng was also worried when he saw Boots Cox fall in the restricted area.
However, his horse made a diving gesture and shouted "diving!" One hundred percent! It must be a dive! Don’t be cheated by him again! "
Then I saw Frank de Bleeckere run to the accident site and didn’t make a penalty gesture-he didn’t point to the penalty spot, which means it wasn’t a penalty!
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