"It should be impossible," Zhu Yulin immediately inserted "Chengdong and …"
When the three were chatting, Lin Chengdong also came out of the teaching building. His face was a little unlucky and he asked Qin Yu, "What did the police officers in Dongpu District ask you?"
"Just ask me if I had any problems with Lu Dang. Where were you last night?" Qin Yu truthfully responded.
Gu Yan glanced at Lin Chengdong and asked curiously, "What did they ask you to do?"
"Fuck Lu Dang called me yesterday." Lin Chengdong frowned and said, "The superintendent checked his interpersonal relationship and dragged me over for questioning."
"Why is Lu Dang calling you?"
"Wang Tian Li Yuanzhen, aren’t they engaged in a student union together? Lu Dang wanted me to join the club and called me several times. I didn’t promise." Lin Chengdong looked at the three people and explained, "He called me last night, that is to say, this thing."
"Oh, so" Gu Yan nodded his head.
"How did the police judge the motive of the case?" Zhu Yulin asked 1
"It seems that he was robbed," Lin Chengdong replied truthfully. "Dongpu District said that everything in his cash and mobile phone was robbed."
"If that’s the case, it’s too bad for Lu Dang." Gu Yan said, "Shooting, kidnapping and robbery … he came to South Shanghai less than a month ago … alas, the place with water is really his place."
Everyone heard this style.
At noon that day
Two relatives of Lu Dang’s parents flew to South Shanghai accompanied by Li Yuanzhen.
A few days left, Li Yuanzhen, Xuan Xuan and others have been running this case with Lu Dang’s parents, and then some winds have returned to the college.
Before Lu Dang was killed, he drank alcohol. After monitoring in some Dongpu District, his car was seen in the street, but the whole Dongpu District was not covered by monitoring, and his specific route was not completely clarified.
According to the materials of Dongpu District, the scene where Lu Dang’s body was found on the riverside in Dongpu District was not the first scene, but the place where his body was abandoned after his death.
This result surprised Qin Yu, Gu Yan, Lin Chengdong and others when they heard the news, because most of them are engaged in criminal investigation. From their experience, the motive of violent robbery is full of contingency. To put it bluntly, a robber may suddenly commit robbery when he sees a rich man one second after eating.
A large part of such prisoners don’t want to move the body. They commit the crime for money. The first thought after robbing is to walk away from the scene as soon as possible. How can they deliberately move the body?
What’s the point of doing this?
He moved the body. Will it expose the robbery? Moreover, it may be found that there are witnesses in the process of moving.
However, some people speculate that Ludang may have been stared at a long time ago, and the criminal chose to kill and move the body only after a premeditated robbery.
However, after hearing this, Qin Yu felt that this must be an inference made by a person who did not understand criminal investigation.
If it was a premeditated robbery, could the gangster not know the identity of Ludang? His family is so rich in Fengbei, and the cars in Nanhu are so good at ordinary times. How can gangsters grab some cash and belongings? Doesn’t kidnapping smell good? Take a step back and say that you are blackmailing him. He can allocate cash himself far more than he can carry with him.
There is another inference from the superintendent’s side. Some people think that the robber may have decided to rob Lu Dang on the spur of the moment for the first time, but he accidentally killed the other party, so he panicked and thought about changing the scene of the crime. However, this possibility is also full of contradictions, because there are no clues at the scene of dumping the body except the row of footprints. No fingerprints or hair were found on Lu Dang’s body or car …
This side says that the gangster is a player with high anti-reconnaissance ability, which doesn’t seem to be the first time.
The total case is weird to the extreme, and the death is caused by the fact that the student institute of the police college in South Shanghai, which is from the ninth district, was highly severe in the city. At the first time, a task force was organized to investigate, but it was still not a clue.
In the past ten days, the heat of the college about the death of Lu Dang has not dropped. Everyone talked about this topic after dinner, and Qin Yu was called to the superintendent several times to inquire. If he hadn’t appeared in Lanting Gong, the excrement basin might have really buckled his head, because the people who usually play well with Lu Dang always insisted that he had a contradiction with Lu Dang … When he got shot in the foot of Lu Dang, he would have blamed Qin Yu.
Qin Yu was a little annoyed, but he couldn’t find a way to cooperate as much as possible.
At noon this day
Qin Yu dormitory with Gu Yan drinking nothing to shoot the breeze.
"Have you heard? Lu Dang’s parents have returned to Fengbei, and the whole case has not been clear about what happened. "Gu Yan sighed and said," It is estimated that the robbery will be decided in the end. "
"I always feel that something is wrong with this case," said Qin Yu, blinking. "… If you are really a professional robber, why not just bury people since you chose to move the scene? If you don’t like it, can you throw him in the ice hole for a short time? "
"Yes," Gu Yan nodded in agreement. "I think it is very likely that the suspect deliberately put on the scene to create the illusion that Lu Dang was robbed."
"Well, it’s possible."
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