There was a scream in the lobby.
I’ll see you later, and all the joints will fall off strangely, like a dinosaur with a broken puppet and no skeleton, and it’s too fast, and it’s swept out like an evil ghost with broken limbs in ten levels of hell
Others suddenly appeared inexplicable stagnation and fell to the ground.
Lei Mei chased out of the lobby and stopped just at the moment when she crossed the threshold.
Ray damage was about to regain his spirits and suddenly turned whiter.
Even Fang Yunhan, who is about to start again, had a good meal.
They are not stopped by people.
No one can stop Fang Yunhan in this way, even if someone can stop the thunder loss, thunder charm, and see you later.
They are blocked by heaven.
Be different in heart because of the change of the sky
The moon is white, the wind is clear and the night is bright, and there is a sharp and intense change. The clouds are rushing, the wind is black, the wind is shaking, the stars are screaming, the moonlight is everywhere, and the black sky is rolling like thick ink.
Chapter 152 to the party
Although the six-and-a-half-hall and the headquarters of Goldwind Xiyulou are both capital cities, they are quite far apart.
The outline of the headquarters of the Golden Wind and Rainy Rain Building can be faintly seen at the headquarters of the Six-and-a-Half Hall because Tianquan Mountain is high and a tower on the fourth floor is extremely conspicuous, but even the top experts in Wulin can see clearly what happened at the other headquarters at this distance because of the pavilion, even a few people there can’t tell the difference without walking.
But tonight, after Fang Yunhan flew away from the top of Tian Quan, Su Mengzhen and Yang Xie have been staring at the headquarters of the six-and-a-half hall.
Although they can’t see the specific situation there clearly, it seems that they can vaguely feel the change of the situation and have the most timely judgment on the tendency to win or lose.
Wang Xiaoshi is also here.
Before, they watched quietly, and they would not express their views or discuss them, but when the sky suddenly changed, this silence could not be maintained.
The first to speak was Su Mengzhen, who had the highest power and the heaviest handle here and had seen the most big scenes.
When this knife is used, the fighting spirit is like a magic nightmare. It’s so persistent that it is regarded as a miracle disease that it changes suddenly and immediately changes color and looks shocked. It’s him. He also went to the sixth and a half hall? "
Su Mengzhen said this correctly, but even Wang Xiaoshi understood it and thought of who this "he" meant.
Although Wang Xiaoshi is a green hand, he has learned a lot from his teachers, and every time he goes to a place, he will deliberately pay attention to the Jianghu news and inquire about the distant Wulin Wind to ensure that his master information will not be outdated.
Wang Xiaoshi has long heard that the sky is high, the rivers and lakes are far away, and there is a person in the Wulin. At any moment, the sky will darken and the clouds will change color. The sun, the moon and the crowd will be eliminated because of the light.
"Fan day seven holy seven? !”
Wang Xiaoshi this full of surprise.
This surprise has two layers.
First, I was shocked by the Jianghu saying that someone really appeared to have such a close connection with the astronomical phenomena.
Second, I was shocked at how the person who changed the color of the sky happened to show up at this time. Is it just six and a half? Will you already be right with Fang Yunhan?
Yang Xie said, "There is no news from the Great Lord and the Second Lord. It must have been rushed and it was the joint efforts of the remaining four lords."
"Thunder loss …" Su Mengzhen’s voice was silent and said, "You should look."
You should look at the sky.
The avatar Hou is very young, knowing that others generally respect him as a little duke, which not only praises the great things he did at a young age, but also shows his respect for his adoptive father.
At that time, his adoptive father Fang Juxia saved the emperor’s life, and his charm was peerless, which made him obsessed with making him an avatar. It was Fang Juxia’s heart and fame that drifted away to the court.
Fang Juxia’s knee, the magical position, is what his only righteous party should see.
At one time, of course, some people looked down on this avatar and thought that he was just lucky to find a good adoptive father.
However, the young duke’s means of doing things were exquisite, and he soon established his own group of forces in Beijing. Cai Jingyi and Zhuge Shenhou took a trip and joined forces with the head of the palace prison, Mi Sky, to form a "bridge group", and the hidden forces of black and white should not be underestimated.
Even the high-level officials of Xu Jin Guo valued the little duke’s award of a Juexue Wuri Shenqiang to the royal family of Xu Jin Guo.
However, it is a pity to be famous when you are young and successful.
Since he learned about the seventh, he often regrets that he feels that the astronomical phenomena are so closely linked, and he is not a crazy person himself.
However, this kind of complaint is the most emotional party in the world, and he should know this well. He quickly separated himself from this kind of emotion and came up with another idea.
He can’t have the gift of seven, but he can try to control seven.
Seven is crazy. It is much easier to deceive and manipulate a crazy person than to be sober. If you can manipulate a crazy person like seven, it is more fulfilling than commanding a hundred thousand troops.
It is a pity that Fang should see that this matter has not been successfully completed for many years.
Now it will be deceived by the buyer, but it is far from being obedient. Judging from the situation in recent years, it is still far from that day to be obedient.
At this time, the thunder loss came to the door to ask for the truth, and it was faint that China should look forward to it.
He has been struggling for the achievement of "commanding seven to do one thing" for a long time, but this time, it is half an addiction to help him try before he has a chance.
Therefore, you should see that when you talk about the terms with Lei Lei, you will make yourself feel like a spring breeze, and your temperament will be raised ten times more, which will definitely make Lei Lei feel more comfortable.
Even a man who has all his limbs broken and his family ruined will immediately gain confidence and comfort if he can treat him like this for a while.
Of course, attitude belongs to attitude, and the actual exchange of interests is half a point.
Tonight, if there is any ink in the sky, you should look at a tall building outside the main hall of Liufenbantang, about a thousand feet away from the central lobby, looking at this scenery, thinking that you hope that the thunder damage can support you for a while and not die, which will make him enjoy this sense of accomplishment for a while.
However, no matter whether it is with good intentions or with good intentions, whether it is Tianquan Mountain or the high-rise building outside the hall, there is no way for these people to really affect the situation in the six-and-a-half-hour hall at this moment
The real situation changes depending on the people in the hall.
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