I will be sharp with my eyes!
He has seen blood several times, and his eyes have already given birth to murderous look.
The eyes were sharp like wolves, and the winner was so cold that he didn’t dare to go.
Yu Huifei continued, "Miss Fangcao, then ask one more question. You just said a lot about how to be refined."
What, study foreigners, study hard, don’t rush for success, write in-depth literature, dig the dark side of society, is it true? "
Grass cold hum a way "of course, a scholar must have the spirit of criticism.
Not flattery! "
Yu Huifei applauded, "Say yes!
So, I’m asking you to share your thoughts …
Can you write the classic you said?
It’s the kind that people all over the world praise you.
Don’t say that a few people are smart, otherwise it will be embarrassing. "
The grass was dumb …
I will not say, "You don’t talk, that is to say, you have it?" Then tell me what is the name of your world famous book?
I’ll also collect one for my children as an enlightenment education later. "
Snow …
Song Qing, who has always been cold, couldn’t help laughing. Although it passed, it was discovered by Bian Xiaowei.
Mu Xiaojiu pouted and said, "Sister Qing, do you still think I have the wrong person?"
Song Qingbai gave her a look. "He said that he is also a rogue."
Mu Xiaojiu "@ # …"
Fangcao said, "that’s enough. I admit that I’m not good at school and I haven’t written that yet."
But no one in our country has written such a world famous book in these decades. "
Yu Huifei clapped his hands and said, "You see so many of you are so stubborn and persistent in your efforts for so many years that you haven’t written anything."
Do you think you can’t do it or your research direction is wrong? "
The grass was dumb …
I will have to say with smile, "I think since you can’t just let go of those so-called truths."
Give young people some and let them play freely.
After all, the Renaissance was also a renaissance in which people were confused and nobody cared about the situation.
Many people started by writing yellow …
We don’t write those explicit words, but we want to write about the unconstrained style, and we like to keep pace with the times, and we don’t like to live in the past. The whole generation looks at the dark side and lives itself into a woman full of grievances.
We are still young, we have a rising sun in our hearts, patriotic blood in our veins, and Chinese self-confidence engraved in our bones.
We are confident to write about our sunny years in our own way.
The point is that after all, we young people don’t get support from others when we write, and there are still a few people reading it.
Unlike what you write, if you don’t force others to read it, no one will know, right? "
"bang!" Grass angry and stared at Yu huifei.
I will not grin and lift the side chair. "Is it reasonable for the teacher to duel with the students in the way of Chinese Confucianism?" Students feel that they can beat you ten times. "
Ha ha ha……
Face the students this hilarious.
Song Qing couldn’t help it. She tried to cover her mouth. Naigen couldn’t help laughing and shaking like a spasm.
To Jose wine this girl holding a snack naked mouth burst out laughing.
Song Qing glanced at her and grabbed a handful of popcorn and stuffed it in her mouth.
I was so angry that my little girl threw her head straight and two big braids launched a biting whip against Song Qing.
Fangcao didn’t dare to go after all.
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