Zhu Wenyuan also didn’t know this way.
A few people took it and kept thanking them.
"That I want to ask these dishes are put medicinal materials, right? But we didn’t eat it. "
Professor Fan frowned and asked, "Is there anyone in your family who knows Chinese medicine very well?"
He is very honest in asking this question, and you can see it from this herbal tea bag alone.
Yao Shang counted and nodded. "Sort of. My family knows this kind of medicinal materials. I have done a good job of processing every flavor, so that it can be better integrated into the dish and integrated with the nature of each dish."
Three people nodded frequently.
"That day or these dishes? Quantitative? "
Zhu Wenyuan is still thinking about the sky.
"I won’t order the food until tonight, and then I’m not sure about buying food in the afternoon."
Yao Shangqing is very eager to go home and see a medicinal material collocation class.
Zhu Wenyuan didn’t feel disappointed when he heard this answer. Maybe there will be more surprises tomorrow.
The three men sat and talked for a while and then went back.
Aunt Cai bought it at noon today and ate it completely at the elbow table. Even the bottom juice on the plate was rubbed by steamed bread.
Her daughter-in-law also came back today.
"Niang this state-run hotel in the teacher? This elbow is really delicious. "Her son ate the most chunks of meat today, one after another.
Aunt Cai snorted, "Where is Yao Shu, his daughter next door, who runs a small restaurant in the alley over there? I’m going to order delicious food today. I heard that it’s not cheap to nourish and sell five medicines a day."
Her son is tired of going to state-run hotels and going back and forth just because he wants to invite his colleagues to dinner and have a place.
"Mother, we won’t come back for dinner at noon. We’ll eat there directly. We won’t eat." She also winked at her daughter-in-law.
Aunt Cai was annoyed when she saw this. "You’d better never come back. I have to cook for you."
Yao’s private cuisine is stable. On the second day of opening, good craftsmanship is the most important thing.
Yao Shangqing was a little surprised when he settled accounts late. Today, he earned twelve dollars and twenty-five cents.
Chapter One Killing Achievements
Chen still can’t believe it. After all, it’s really too profitable. It’s 12 yuan this day. In the past month, several workers’ families have got money.
Yao Shangqing’s own craft is also the best to be recognized by everyone.
Two people clean up the table and mop the floor, and it’s almost over.
"Then I’ll have three bowls of noodles and have some soup." Yao Shangqing wiped his hands. The wind is getting stronger and stronger outside, and it’s a little whirring.
Chen will do. She has just worked for a while and is sweating.
Yuanyuan rowed around and took it to her mother.
"Mom, you see, we can have a family reunion dinner for the New Year, but it is estimated that you can’t hire someone alone."
With that, she still stared at her mother. Actually, she just wanted Yao Shangqing to hire people because they were too tired.
Yao Shangqing hesitated. This New Year’s Eve dinner is made at home and eaten by himself. You can also come out to the restaurant.
"Let’s see."
Yuanyuan, well, it’s not strong to force it. Anyway, she thinks it can be done.
I was sent home after dinner in the evening.
The next Saturday, Yuanyuan got up according to her biological clock without class, then drank a cup of tea first, and then strolled to a small restaurant to see her own medicinal materials. She got a new species.
Yao Zhizhao has no class today. Zhou Xingyue doesn’t work, but the family stays at home.
Chen Shao has gone to school. He has been very busy now.
As a result, someone came at the door.
Yao Shangjun and Liang Yu came with Yao Yang.
"What are you doing here again?" Yao Zhizhao frowned and looked at the past, saying and walking to prepare the door.
Yao Shangjun hurriedly pushed the door forward.
"Dad, I came here today but I have something serious." He felt a little ambitious this time.
Yao Zhizhao, hehe, it’s not that he said Yao Shangjun could have a fart serious matter.
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