Chapter 14 Trace
Kill Huang Ding, roll up the scattered things around him, Zhou Jia turns into a wisp of breeze, and flies away as quickly as possible.
After a while.
He appeared somewhere in the clouds and frowned at the mountains ahead.
Huang Dingchao’s black wind bandits sent a message that the front disappeared, and even if they listened to the wind and watched the sky, they would be hard to find.
Those mountains seem to hide another world.
I can’t hear you!
Can’t see it!
Looking at the mountains, there is an inexplicable warning sign that emerges from my heart, which also makes the original well-prepared stop and not move on.
"It seems that it is not without reason that the black wind bandits can be vertical and horizontal for many years."
Gently shook his head Zhou Jia turned away.
Although I don’t know whether the mountains are the law or his things, since there is danger, he naturally won’t act rashly and take risks.
It is obviously impossible to completely solve the black bandits in a short time, but he is not in a hurry, and it is still far from the one-year deadline.
It’s easy to know where the black wind bandits are hiding.
In the mountains
Black wind bandit station
The gangster Xiao Guoliang stepped out of the chamber of secrets and Zheng Qiao, the second leader, quickly greeted him.
"What did the old guy say?"
"Even without him, we can melt the ice and take out the contents, but it won’t take long." Xiao Guoliang walked and walked.
"Congenital spiritual roots can be met, but they are even worse. If you and I prolong life, it will not be a problem."
"It is possible in two thousand or three thousand years!"
"Good" Zheng Qiao’s face is full of enthusiasm and his hands are rubbing.
"It is said that the most life-prolonging treasure medicine can prolong the life of the silver strong man. That’s the spirit fruit of the sacred tree. I wonder what we found?"
Here he shook his head and sighed lightly.
"There are only two fruit plants in Linggen, which is not enough for brothers."
"The spiritual roots here can’t be compared with the sacred tree of Tianyuan Alliance, but since it is the beginning of the world, even if it is damaged, it will definitely be extraordinary." Xiao Guoliang said
"Brothers, you also need to worry. After we increase our strength, we can find the medicine to prolong life."
"There are many main treasures in this debris world, which is our opportunity."
"Not bad!" Zheng Qiao’s eyes lit up.
"Since we can find a congenital spiritual root, we can always find a second and third strain."
"Only six younger sister …"
He sighed lightly and was full of regret.
"Zhou killed six younger sisters, which is a mortal enemy." Xiao Guoliang squinted even more.
"There is also the old guy Fang Zhensun. If he hadn’t suddenly fled, we would have to leave the station. Six sisters might not have an accident."
"He will die after the job is done!"
Talk in panic and shout from outside.
"The yellow leader had an accident. He went to find the punishment, but he met Zhou and fled back and was killed by Zhou Yi."
"Five leaders …"
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