Not far from Zhuang, he tried several stone gates and found that the bigger the stone gate, the more oil he needed, and it increased exponentially. In addition to this stone gate, he needed at least dozens of drops.
If the manor owner is in his heyday, I’m afraid these hours’ blood will be a huge sale.
Sure enough, when the cannon rang, it was 12 thousand gold.
And what’s behind the door? Will those enemies return the murals?
Chapter 31 how to also want to have a physical attack skills.
Not far from Zhuang, I climbed seven platforms, then took out my cell phone and photographed all the stone gates.
From these stone gates, every manor owner’s most proud record against the enemy is different. These stone gates reveal a lot of information worth studying.
Moreover, the Shimen of Neng Manor will not always be so small, and it will be expanded one day. Maybe we can refer to their style.
I went back to my neighbor Shimen, not far from Zhuang, and took more photos from all angles.
When the muscle light is very dim, I found this line on the lintel of Shimen, a manor, not far from the flash house.
The writing is not familiar to Zhuang, but it may be because of the owner of the manor, but Zhuang can recognize it not far away. It means
"Those who break into this door are bound to encounter misfortune!"
Zhuang not far from poof smiled and patted the door. "Old neighbor, your door was breached by the Industrial Party. What do you say about misfortune … I’d better clean it up and wait for me!"
Perhaps it’s because no one has touched this Shimen for so long that a lot of dust and stones fell suddenly, and then I stepped back hurriedly, and then I heard a click, as if I stepped on something, and my feet slipped and I felt burning pain in my ass and ankles.
I turned around and saw a peeping skull rolling around under his hand.
He was the servant who was cut into two parts just now.
"I’ll go!" Not far from Zhuang, I was so scared that I rolled and crawled up. When my right foot touched the ground, I couldn’t help but cry miserably. When I looked down, my ankle was swollen.
"In? Can you still be a good neighbor? " Zhuang not far from bitterness to look back at the front of Shimen is not going to string a door? Can we have a good time?
The servants in the backyard of the manor are holding their breath and gawking at the backyard wall, and they are a little nervous.
Suddenly the wall twisted, and then Zhuang walked out of the wall with a limp.
"What’s the matter?" Not far from Zhuang, his pants are broken and his feet are lame. The servants hurriedly greeted him and held him. Xu Jianfei even posed to protect Zhuang’s side. "Is there an enemy inside?"
"Farewell!" Zhuang not far away said, "I met a very difficult enemy. I fought him for 300 rounds and finally killed him. There it is!"
Not far from Zhuang, Long Xiaofu, the incarnation shadow, squeezed out from the narrow stone gate, and its black root dragged the dead blood servant to the backyard ground.
"Is this the enemy?"
"It’s amazing that the landlord can kill such an enemy!"
"Master Zhuang is the best in the world!"
"Master Zhuang unifies the rivers and lakes to live together!"
A group of servants complimented Zhuang and watched Xu Jianfei take him to the master’s room to rest.
Not far from Zhuang, the servants can’t help but roll their eyes.
Still fighting three hundred rounds? I’ve been dead for thousands of years, if not ten thousand years.
Fighting with the dead can still hurt? This stupid landlord is hopeless.
Then they said to Liu Jinge, "Manager, do you think we should stop the landlord from taking risks? I don’t know how to die if I go to a strange place like the Lord Zhuang! "
The two fallen dragons grinned, "My grandmother can beat the landlord. Three of my grandmothers have been dead for thirty years."
"I advise the landlord …" Liu Jingue is also worried. "Even if you don’t go to his manor, you can always develop slowly. If you really encounter any danger, it’s really worrying …"
"Let’s go together"
When the servants came to Zhuang not far away, they saw Zhuang sitting on the sofa with their feet up and eating tomatoes while holding an ice pack.
After eating a tomato, he looked down at his feet, hoping to trigger Ou Qi to reorganize his body and cure his ankle. However, Zhuang is not far away, and his stomach is round and his ankle is not good.
"Master, it’s too dangerous to invade his manor. Why don’t we not invade?"
"Yes, Master Zhuang, it’s good for us to develop slowly. You have to take risks yourself if you can’t sit down for a long time?"
"Yes, yes!" The two fallen dragons also spoke, "Let’s rob the exile era! Many fat sheep, like those soft eggs in Lvrong City, are very easy to grab. You have to hit them and give them whatever they want! "
As soon as this statement came out, Gang Bao, Mi Wan and others from Lvrong immediately glared at the two fallen dragons.
It’s a pity that Zhuang is very determined not far away. He said to everyone, "You won’t advise me. I’ll officially start when my feet are ready!"
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