"You shame!"
Chu Biezhi is short of breath.
Yan Er is still lying in bed.
What are they talking about?
"Buddhist adult … you want to avoid me?"
Chapter three hundred and twenty Awakening? Miss Zhao fled!
"Let go!"
Chu don’t branch low drink a way
Her cold face is red.
This little thief! Always choose the flame field lightly. She is so hateful.
"You haven’t answered my question, but you have avoided me? You also left without saying goodbye when you were in Chu. "
Zhao Cuo hugged the mature beauty in his arms to the little Buddhist. At this time, he was an adult, second only to his eldest sister.
"You have to do don’t want to see you also need a reason? Take your hand! "
Buddhist adults shouted at me in a cold tone!
"But I’ll want to see you."
Master Zhao Xiaogong whispered in her ear.
She’s covered in white mist. It’ll be gone by now.
An immortal dressed in a pale pinkish purple fairy dress is as gorgeous as fire in the dark.
"… if you have something, let me know first."
She said after a moment’s silence
But Zhao thief didn’t feel that lying in his arms meant rebellion.
The first fanatic in Dayu, he is good at pushing his luck, so he hugged her tighter.
"I haven’t hugged you for a long time, and I almost forgot what it was. Let me feel it for a while."
Zhao CuO buried her warm and delicate nape in her face.
Familiar and elegant breath pours into nasal cavity
He can’t help himself for a while.
"You forget! Don’t recall I have something don’t let go don’t blame me. "
Chu don’t branch cold whisper charming soft body gradually become stiff seems to have been ready.
Master Zhao Xiaogong rubbed her skin regardless of her cheek.
Suddenly, he gently held the ear bead of the beautiful woman in his arms.
Zhao thief light call way
"What are you yelling about?"
Small Buddhist became angry from embarrassment.
"small branches"
He continued to call.
"Let go when I give you a fillip …"
Zhao wrong but still simply read aloud a way
"Buddhist adult"
Chu don’t branch out immediately.
Why did this little thief change her name three times in a while?
A new exit is better than an unfamiliar one. Then it’s time to call her by her first name? What does it mean …
"Chu buddhist is not the queen mother empress let you to protect me, right? You have to come yourself. "
Grandpa Zhao Xiaogong whispered in her ear.
Buddhist adults came on their own after knowing the assassination.
The devil should know about it, but she didn’t tell him that she wanted her lover to be safe.
"There must be a limit to your self-affection. If it weren’t for the devil, I would have to look at you. I am now returning to Taoism."
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- 随着现代生活节奏的加快,人们越来越注重生活品质的提升。茶室作为传统文化与现代生活相结合的产物,成为了都市人放松身心、品味生活的好去处。杭州,作为我国历史文化名城,拥有众多的茶室,其中龙凤茶室更是以其独特的韵味和优质的服务受到了广大茶客的喜爱。为了方便茶友们更好地了解龙凤茶室,现将联系电话公布如下,供大家参考。