"What’s finished? You look at the pit. It seems very angry and your face is cold."
"Nonsense. Whoever is not angry always wants to punch him on the stage."
"What kind of dog needs to defend his words? Don’t tear his dog’s mouth off and give it to him."
"Shh, don’t make so much noise and see how suluo responds."
I’m surprised that the camera is on the stage
A moment ago, I was very satisfied with myself. Jie Li Changhao was stared at by suluo’s face expression, and suddenly I felt a chill surge from my heart and my back was a little cold.
Isn’t it just a stinking beggar? Li Changhao, a big shot, said after a slow pause
"I want"
"Ah, wait a minute, dear Kyubi no Youko Fox. It’s too hard for you to be with him in Taiwan. Sister, come here first and sit and drink a bottle of Xiashi Mountain Spring."
Just after the mouth was interrupted by suluo’s wave, I didn’t forget to send an advertisement. I calmly invited Kyubi no Youko Fox to the guessing seat and motioned Li Changhao to continue.
I’m the odd "I just said"
"Oh, you have no opinion to publish, do you, Bai?" Another bite was interrupted by suluo’s feelings and you didn’t follow the routine.
"Ha-ha, the pit master is trying to make trouble."
"This is not to defend your words to the death. Just shut up, faggot. You don’t have a word here. Haha"
Li Yuanhao is a little anxious.
"I said I want it."
"Oh, I see. By the way, I have a question. I have read your profile. It says that you are from China. Aren’t you also a China singer? Why should you look down on yourself?" suluo interrupted again.
"I officially joined Korean nationality a month ago." Li Changhao quickly replied and took a deep breath. This time, I finally didn’t get interrupted and didn’t react. The rhythm was completely controlled by suluo.
The audience booed a fake stick. Why did you show off in an ostentatious manner? It was great to join South Korea. China made you feel ashamed.
"Hey, hey, hey, I said, what are you hissing about? This is a great national happiness. It really should be celebrated. If you don’t light firecrackers, set off fireworks, eat a roast duck and drink three or five bottles of him, you should cheer. It’s really not sensible." suluo turned to the audience and shouted.
"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha"
"Haha, the country is so lucky."
"It’s great luck to say that such a person will go to South Korea."
"The pit owner doesn’t even need to bring dirty words to scold him, which makes me laugh to death."
The audience was overjoyed and gave a cheer in cooperation with "Whoa whoa whoa".
"Well, it’s almost enough. Come and collect." suluo made a command gesture
The audience burst into laughter again.
"Then my question is over. What were you going to say, contestant?"
Li Changhao’s lungs are going to explode.
"I want"
However, I still didn’t say it. This time, suluo really didn’t interrupt himself. He was so angry that he forgot what to say. He was teased and couldn’t carry it forward.
"Hey, don’t look at me. I don’t care about feeding the referee this time. I really didn’t foul. You have to give me a certificate."
Suluo shrugged his shoulders at the audience, spread his hands with an O-shaped mouth and widened his eyes. I looked very sorry.
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- 在繁忙的都市生活中,寻找一方宁静之地,享受一杯清茶,已成为许多人的日常追求。2016年,我有幸体验了杭州一家颇具特色的茶馆——月卡茶馆。在这里,我度过了一个月的悠闲时光,不仅品味了各种名茶,还领略了茶文化的魅力。
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