Pique pushed him behind his back.
Everyone is both of them. It’s a one-on-one fight
As a result, cavani turned the football back to the side.
Football fell to Gotze’s feet.
Gotze didn’t mean to take the ball to the restricted area by catching it in situ.
This made many Barcelona fans breathe a sigh of relief.
If Gezer doesn’t move, his threat is much smaller.
Then Gotze suddenly throws the ball!
One foot over the top ball! The football flew past Pique’s head!
In the former cavani also completed the turn!
Pique, this is cavani going to play with Gotze. He quickly turned around and chased cavani.
But as soon as he turned around, he realized that it was wrong …
Cavani’s running direction is not the same as Gotze’s ball!
He hurriedly twist a head.
I just saw a wearer’s captain’s armband swinging.
"It’s Sai Passareira!" The commentator exclaimed.
Passareira obliquely inserted into the restricted area. He chose to break in from Pique and Marcos, but Pique and Marcos didn’t cooperate well.
After all, Marcos didn’t come out until half-time, and Puyol and Pique cooperated in the usual season
Sure enough, Marcos was a little late when he made up the position, which made Sai Passareira break into the restricted area.
At the same time, goalkeeper Valdes saw that football had penetrated Barcelona’s defense line and quickly abandoned the door to attack! At this time, only he can stop Lazio from attacking!
Facing the ball from the rear, Passareira acted like a standard striker!
He leans over his chest and gently cushions the football forward!
The football jumped up and just dodged. Also jumped up and threw the ball with both hands, Valdes.
Plug Passareira also quickly bypassed Valdes after the mat!
Valdez, on the other hand, lost control of his body in the middle of the game at this moment, and he could do nothing but watch one person and one ball pass by him.
He’s finished!
Come on, wait for the football to fall a little. Plug Passareira lifted his right foot and volleyed!
"Plug Passaret-pull! !”
In the commentator’s roar, the football flew into the Barcelona goal from a small angle!
“2! 2! Lazio leads Barcelona by two goals! Passareira scored a very beautiful goal! !”
Barcelona players gaped at the football in the goal.
"Plug Passareira suddenly inserted before disrupting Barcelona’s defense is not ripe! He broke Messi’s ball and launched an attack. Finally, he ended the attack with a beautiful volley … perfect one-stop! "
Although in Lazio’s ordinary games, Cesc Passareira also participated in the attack many times and scored goals.
But more often, he relies on the front court Italian ball and corner kick to set the ball.
Head the ball in the set piece to score a goal.
It’s still rare for him to be a one-stop winner like today!
Because it is dangerous to kill from one’s own restricted area to the other’s restricted area, the whole process is long and complicated. If the ball is accidentally broken by the other side, it will be an excellent counterattack opportunity for the other side!
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